Kirk Mealey Celebration of Life
First Alliance Church 12345 40 Street SE, CalgaryKirk Mealey Obituary link Kirk Mealey livestream link Password to watch the livestream FAC-Kirk
Kirk Mealey Obituary link Kirk Mealey livestream link Password to watch the livestream FAC-Kirk
Join us as we pray for Sunday ministries and for God's kingdom work to be done at HHAC ; Meet in Room 200A
Please Click right here to register.
Hey Mom's, Grandma's, Caregivers ! Looking for a chance to connect your little ones with others and have some adult conversation and encouragement ? Having little ones in the house …
Please register here before Feb 24, 2025
You are invited to be part of a vital upcoming ministry, our week of prayer and fasting. Confessing that apart from Jesus we can do nothing, we will pray. Acknowledging …
One hour a month - to give yourself an opportunity to slow down - pause and let God be the center of your focus for one hour. Cyndy Ingram will …
Come on out and experience a day of Ice Fishing. We will meet at the church at 7:00 am and leave at 7:15 am . Please dress for the weather, …
Come out to pray for our church. Pray for our Pastors, leaders, volunteers. Pray for the ministries of Harvest Hills Alliance Church to impact the neighborhood.