Memorial Service for Jacob Brown

First Alliance Church 12345 40 Street SE, Calgary

You are warmly invited to the Memorial service of Jacob Warren Brown Reception to follow at First Alliance Church Live stream link Password: FAC-Jacob Jacob Warren Brown Obituary link Brown Family go fund me page link

Kirk Mealey Celebration of Life

First Alliance Church 12345 40 Street SE, Calgary

Kirk Mealey Obituary link Kirk Mealey livestream link Password to watch the livestream FAC-Kirk

Pre Service Prayer

Join us as we pray for Sunday ministries and for God's kingdom work to be done at HHAC ; Meet in Room 200A

Welcome Lunch

Please Click right here to register.

Tiny Tots

Hey Mom's, Grandma's, Caregivers ! Looking for a chance to connect your little ones with others and have some adult conversation and encouragement ? Having little ones in the house is so rewarding but can feel isolating. Tiny Tots is a free program through HHAC that runs every 2nd & 4th Monday of each month …