Pre Service Prayer

Join us as we pray for Sunday ministries and for God's kingdom work to be done at HHAC ; Meet in Room 200A

Welcome Lunch

Please Click right here to register.

Tiny Tots

Hey Mom's, Grandma's, Caregivers ! Looking for a chance to connect your little ones with others and have some adult conversation and encouragement ? Having little ones in the house is so rewarding but can feel isolating. Tiny Tots is a free program through HHAC that runs every 2nd & 4th Monday of each month …

Week of Prayer & Fasting

You are invited to be part of a vital upcoming ministry, our week of prayer and fasting.  Confessing that apart from Jesus we can do nothing, we will pray.  Acknowledging that we are engaged in a fierce spiritual battle we will pray in Jesus’ mighty name.  Plan to join March 9-16 for a Week of …

Breathe- A Woman of Harvest Ministry

One hour a month - to give yourself an opportunity to slow down - pause and let God be the center of your focus for one hour. Cyndy Ingram will give direction and guidance in our time of meditation and prayer.

All Church Prayer

Come out to pray for our church. Pray for our Pastors, leaders, volunteers. Pray for the ministries of Harvest Hills Alliance Church to impact the neighborhood.